Pizza Tower Level Editor: Pocket-Sized Cheese
A downloadable Custom level
This level is for the modded version of the level editor.
The version of this level with ungenerous timers cuts the amount of time each timer gives you in half. The version with ungenerous times requires less points to S rank it, which means that you can get an S rank without collecting the secret treasure.
This level has 3 secrets, a secret treasure and lap 2 like the levels in the final version of Pizza Tower.
Also, despite the name implying otherwise, this level isn't actually a small version of Ancient Cheese, I just found it kind of similiar layout-wise.
Install instructions
to add this level you have to go to this directory (replace the [your user here] with your actual user name obviously)
C:\Users\[your user here]\AppData\Local\PizzaTower_GM2
and then put the ptlv file into that folder and launch it
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davidgamer13 get out bud
i met people like this numbnut